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What technology will lead the way: autonomous tractors or field robots? by Future Farming

When looking forward, what kind of vehicle is most relevant and most suitable to perform jobs and tasks autonomously? An unmanned tractor, a multipurpose field robot or a combination of both?

Dedicated or specialised field robots paved the way for autonomous field operations driven by two main aspects: weed control/management and labour availability. A different take are so-called multifunctional or multipurpose field robots. Some of these have clearly been developed to take over tasks from manned and also unmanned tractors.

Modern-day tractors already have a wide array of automation. Such as autosteer/-pilot, headland control, implement and machine control et cetera. Seen from this perspective, a driverless tractor is a small step technology wise.

What technology will lead the way: autonomous tractors or field robots?Join me and share your opinion.

Wed. 23 October

3:00 pm - 3:20 pm


The Plaza

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