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Bluewhite Pathfinder



United States

About Bluewhite Pathfinder

Bluewhite Pathfinder is a robotic aftermarket solution that converts any tractor into a sophisticated autonomous machine. Leveraging sensor fusion (LiDAR, Camara, GNSS), computer vision, advanced AI, and efficient edge computing to navigate and execute tasks even in GPS-denied environments and challenging conditions.
Pathfinder’s ability to toggle between GPS, RTK, and GNSS sensor systems to match the unique environment and conditions enables the tractor to work continuously, with minimum downtime in areas that often don’t have reception, generating greater productivity. With the Bluewhite Pathfinder, growers can execute multiple tasks autonomously, including; spraying, spreading, blowing, and mowing, all remotely, safely, and with high precision.
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  • Posters session
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The Future of AgTech 4-H Breakfast


7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

The plaza

Support California 4-H by joining us at FIRA-USA!

Join us and meet the new statewide director of 4-H, hear her vision for the program and focus on workforce development, learn about the life changing impact 4-H had on alumni and kick off the last day of FIRA inspired by the next generation of innovators. Proceeds from the event will support higher education scholarships for 4-H youth pursuing ag technology and innovation to  solve our industry's most pressing challenges.
  • Date: Thursday, October 24th
  • Time: 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
  • Location: FIRA USA 2024 Yolo County Fairgrounds 1250 East Gum Avenue Woodland, CA 95776
Tickets and Sponsorships Available. Register Today

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth development organization in the U.S., supported by the USDA and land-grant universities. It empowers young people with lifelong skills through hands-on projects in agriculture, science, health, and citizenship. The name 4-H stands for four personal development areas: head, heart, hands, and health. With thousands of members across California, 4-H offers hands-on projects in health, science, agriculture, and civic engagement, fostering growth and learning in a supportive environment.

For more information, contact: Kelly Scott |

Register now!


Support California 4-H by joining us at FIRA-USA!

Join us and meet the new statewide director of 4-H, hear her vision for the program and focus on workforce development, learn about the life changing impact 4-H had on alumni and kick off the last day of FIRA inspired by the next generation of innovators.

Proceeds from the event will support higher education scholarships for 4-H youth pursuing ag technology and innovation to  solve our industry\'s most pressing challenges.

  • Date: Thursday, October 24th
  • Time: 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
  • Location:
    FIRA USA 2024
    Yolo County Fairgrounds
    1250 East Gum Avenue
    Woodland, CA 95776

Tickets and Sponsorships Available.
Register Today

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth development organization in the U.S., supported by the USDA and land-grant universities. It empowers young people with lifelong skills through hands-on projects in agriculture, science, health, and citizenship. The name 4-H stands for four personal development areas: head, heart, hands, and health. With thousands of members across California, 4-H offers hands-on projects in health, science, agriculture, and civic engagement, fostering growth and learning in a supportive environment.

For more information, contact: Kelly Scott |

Register now!

Opening: FIRA USA 24\' Kick Off and Vision for robotics


8:30 AM - 8:45 AM

Waite hall - Main stage

Opening by the organizers

Wed 23

8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

Opening by the organizers

Special happenings

Presentation of GOFAR 2025 Roadmap
Advancements in Robotics for Farm and Food Production: A 2024 Overview

Wed 23

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

This panel offers a comprehensive snapshot of the latest developments and trends in robotics for farm and food production as of 2024. Delve into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the agricultural landscape, from autonomous machinery revolutionizing fieldwork to sophisticated robotic systems optimizing food processing and packaging. Explore how robotics is enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and yield in farming practices, while also addressing labor shortages and evolving consumer demands. Gain insights into the state of the art in agricultural robotics and the potential implications for the future of food production.
Automation Solutions - Grower\'s Perspective on Doing the Math


8:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

In this roundtable discussion, farmers and a robotics manufacturer will share their experiences integrating robotic and autonomous technologies into agricultural practices. They will discuss the efficiency gains achieved through these innovations, including concrete examples of return on investment (ROI) calculations. Participants will also learn about Western Growers Economic Templates, which assist growers in understanding the financial aspects of automation solutions within their operations. Additionally, the discussion will cover Western Growers Assist, a program that provides support during the discovery process for growers. Together, these insights will highlight both current experiences and future expectations for advancements in agricultural technology.
California AgTech Open Innovation Ecosystem


8:45 AM - 9:30 AM

Waite hall - Main stage

California is ground zero for advancement of agricultultural technologies, especially ag robotics. A number of innovation organizations are in place and growing to help advance the agricultural technology industry forward. This panel will explore how these innovators are supporting startups to grow and scale agricultural technology in California through open innovation approaches. Sponsored by Stereolab*
The Reservoir Unveils New Details about Reservoir Farms, the First On-Farm Robotics Incubators for Specialty Crops

Wed 23

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Home Arts Hall

MEDIA ONLY Western Growers, University of California Ag and Natural Resources, Merced College, Hartnell College, and Hawktower are unveiling Reservoir Farms, the first On-Farm Robotics Incubators for specialty crops. Reservoir Farms aims to drive breakthrough innovation and workforce development for California’s agricultural heartlands. Join the press conference to talk to the team behind Reservoir Farms about their plans to continue growing its impact across the entire California agricultural ecosystem. The Press Conference is at 9:00 in Mariavov Hall.



Western Growers, University of California Ag and Natural Resources, Merced College, Hartnell College, and Hawktower are unveiling Reservoir Farms, the first On-Farm Robotics Incubators for specialty crops. Reservoir Farms aims to drive breakthrough innovation and workforce development for California’s agricultural heartlands. Join the press conference to talk to the team behind Reservoir Farms about their plans to continue growing its impact across the entire California agricultural ecosystem. The Press Conference is at 9:00 in Mariavov Hall.

Supported by

Academic lightning talk/pitch session #1


9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Waite hall - Main stage

#1. Detection of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Using Drone-Mounted Hyperspectral Imaging by Eve LaRoche Pinel - CSU Fresno #3. Adaptation of Agricultural Robots for Production of Root and Bulb Vegetables by Geoff Faringtosh - University of Guelph #4. Intelligent weed management: innovative identification and eco-friendly control by Kioumars Ghamkar - AgResearch


#1. Detection of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Using Drone-Mounted Hyperspectral Imaging by Eve LaRoche Pinel - CSU Fresno

#3. Adaptation of Agricultural Robots for Production of Root and Bulb Vegetables by Geoff Faringtosh - University of Guelph

#4. Intelligent weed management: innovative identification and eco-friendly control by Kioumars Ghamkar - AgResearch

Supported by

[New Holland Press Conference] Automation is the Buzzword: How’s It Coming to Life in the Field?


9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

The Plaza

Autonomy is one of the most referenced terms in agriculture, but how the function plays out in the field or orchard isn’t always clear. Join New Holland for a panel discussion featuring those charged with developing, advising, guiding and implementing the automation technologies evolution. Hear from this diverse group of farmers, dealers, crop advisors and manufacturers on how autonomy is progressing in real-time as it transforms nearly every element of farming, from varietal selection to precision application to record-keeping to marketing.
Reducing spray drift and improving spray coverage in the Almond/Tree Nuts Industry

Wed 23

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

A focused roundtable discussion on the automation requirements within the almond/tree nuts industry. Join us for an enlightening panel session where pioneering AgTech companies showcase their cutting-edge products designed to revolutionize modern agriculture. Focused on the critical issues of spray drift reduction and enhancing spray coverage, these innovative solutions harness technology to optimize efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. Discover firsthand how these advancements empower farmers to maximize input costs, achieve superior crop protection and cultivate sustainable farming practices. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with industry leaders and explore the future of precision agriculture.
Empowering the Future of Agriculture: The Workforce and Education Program in Ag Robotics


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

The plaza

Join us for an illuminating overview of the Workforce and Education Program in Agricultural Robotics, dedicated to shaping the next generation of agricultural innovators and professionals. This program aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by offering comprehensive training, resources, and hands-on experiences in the field of agricultural robotics.
Addressing Automation Needs in the tree fruits industry


10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

This session is providing information about the needs of the tree fruit industry, the key challenges and feedback from growers. As an example, to streamline activities and drive progress, we will dive deep into the apple technology roadmap for the tree fruit industry, developed through strong engagement of stakeholders across industry. In the roadmap we uncovered specific barriers to technology adoption, while defining targeted research, development, and extension activities for the next two years. We will discuss our strategies, failures, plans and hopes by focusing on high priority areas selected across different timelines to impact: Crop Load Management (mid-term), and Harvest Labor (long-term). We will also talk about Commission funding, collaboration of industry, and automation ready. Panelists will share stories on how we are automation ready and give examples with real “vendors” who are working in this space with us. We also bring light to the need for funding and investment and its role in getting products across finish line no matter how “close” we may appear. This session will showcase our vision on how aligning focus and action in the next two years will move the needle for growers by doing the groundwork today to tackle mid- (3-5 year) and long-term (5-10 year) priorities. We invite attendees to join us on this exciting journey.
AI Ultra-High Precision Sprayer benefits and first experiences in North America. By Ecorobotix

Wed 23

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

The Plaza

Jose Marchetti, Business Development Director at Ecorobotix, will present how the Swissengineered Ecorobotix ARA, an AI-powered ultra-high precision sprayer, is revolutionizing agriculture.

This presentation will delve into the innovative features and advantages of ARA, showcasing its impact on the farming industry and its direct benefits to farmers. Jose will also share recent real-world experiences from farmers who have integrated the ARA into their operations over the past few months, illustrating how this cutting-edge technology not only enhances economic performance but also promotes environmental sustainability, meeting the evolving expectations of consumers and regulatory bodies.


Jose Marchetti, Business Development Director at Ecorobotix, will present how the Swissengineered Ecorobotix ARA, an AI-powered ultra-high precision sprayer, is revolutionizing agriculture.

This presentation will delve into the innovative features and advantages of ARA, showcasing its impact on the farming industry and its direct benefits to farmers.

Jose will also share recent real-world experiences from farmers who have integrated the ARA into their operations over the past few months, illustrating how this cutting-edge technology not only enhances economic performance but also promotes environmental sustainability, meeting the
evolving expectations of consumers and regulatory bodies.

Supported by

Addressing Automation Needs in the Processing Tomato Industry


10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

The Plaza

This roundtable discussion will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to explore the evolving landscape of automation in the sector. The discussion will aim to represent the spectrum of needs and interests within the industry, from those already investing in automation to those cautiously exploring their options. The data comparisons of different machines will provide valuable insights into the performance and differences between various machines, offering growers a clear picture of what they can expect in terms of efficiency, yield, and cost-effectiveness. This dialogue emphasized the importance of addressing both immediate and long-term automation needs, offering a balanced perspective on how growers can navigate this shift while considering factors like return on investment and operational flexibility.
Press Tour

Wed 23

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Main Expo Bldg. - Expo zone 1

Press Tour

Special happenings

For media only The Press Tour is a unique opportunity to listen to and meet with our top experts during a one-hour tour of the exhibition area.  Robot manufacturers, technology suppliers, services, and associations: each year, journalists have the chance to discover their products, listen to announcements and ask them questions.


For media only

The Press Tour is a unique opportunity to listen to and meet with our top experts during a one-hour tour of the exhibition area. 

Robot manufacturers, technology suppliers, services, and associations: each year, journalists have the chance to discover their products, listen to announcements and ask them questions.

5 million acres with Integrated Autonomy. By Swarmfarm Robotics

Wed 23

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

The Plaza

Join Andrew Bate as he shares the journey from founding SwarmFarm Robotics through to over 5 million acres of commercial use, and his vision for new farming practices through Integrated Autonomy.


Join Andrew Bate as he shares the journey from founding SwarmFarm Robotics through to over 5 million acres of commercial use, and his vision for new farming practices through Integrated Autonomy.

Supported by

Addressing Automation Needs in the vegetables industry through the world

Wed 23

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

An international roundtable discussion focusing on the automation requirements within the vegetable industry in different part of the world: experts from Australia, the UK, and California will discuss topics such as the integration of robotics and automation technologies to optimize planting, harvesting, processing, and packaging processes in vegetable cultivation. Through collaborative dialogue, we aim to identify key areas for automation implementation, exchange insights on successful strategies, and foster innovation to meet the evolving needs of the vegetable industry.
Addressing Automation Needs in the berries industry


10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

A discussion tailored to the automation requirements within the berries industry. This session convenes industry experts, stakeholders, and innovators to explore the specific challenges and opportunities prevalent in berry production. Topics will encompass the utilization of robotics and automation technologies to optimize tasks such as planting, harvesting, sorting, and packaging in berry fields. Through collaborative dialogue, participants will identify key areas for automation implementation, exchange best practices, and foster innovation aimed at enhancing efficiency and sustainability within the berries industry.
Building an Agricultural Technology Innovation Economy


11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Waite Hall - Main stage

Food producing regions across California are focused on agricultural technology as a key driver of their innovation economies. Both the state and federal governments have invested heavily in agriculture technology-driven economic development. This panel will discuss different regional approaches to agricultural technology as economic development and the State of California strategy to support regional innovation economies. Sponsored by Stereolab*
Breakthrough in the development of automation functions with high resolution radar point clouds. By Bosch Engineering

Wed 23

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

The Plaza

Automation functions for agricultural machinery and equipment serve as an important means of achieving further productivity boosts in the world of agriculture. To support the implementation of such functions in the various application areas of the machinery and equipment, Bosch
Engineering has developed a wide range of sensor technologies to volume-production maturity and, in some cases, has already successfully established them on the market. With the next generation radar sensor, the imaging radar system, and the ultrasonic system USS OHW premium safe, which achieves performance level d, Bosch Engineering is facilitating the ongoing automation of the agricultural sector on the path to autonomous field robotics.
In orchards, for instance, the imaging radar uses sensor-based lane detection to implement automation functions such as track guidance without the need for a GPS connection. The system thus supports uninterrupted operation of the automation function without encountering signal problems attributable to vegetation – as successfully demonstrated in trials involving radar tests in hop cultivation (with plant heights of 7 m). Thanks to the robust system design, reliable operation
is ensured in even the harshest weather conditions or extremely dusty environments, and with a very large detection range in excess of 50 m.


Automation functions for agricultural machinery and equipment serve as an important means of achieving further productivity boosts in the world of agriculture. To support the implementation of such functions in the various application areas of the machinery and equipment, Bosch

Engineering has developed a wide range of sensor technologies to volume-production maturity and, in some cases, has already successfully established them on the market. With the next generation radar sensor, the imaging radar system, and the ultrasonic system USS OHW premium safe, which achieves performance level d, Bosch Engineering is facilitating the ongoing automation of the agricultural sector on the path to autonomous field robotics.
In orchards, for instance, the imaging radar uses sensor-based lane detection to implement automation functions such as track guidance without the need for a GPS connection. The system thus supports uninterrupted operation of the automation function without encountering signal problems attributable to vegetation – as successfully demonstrated in trials involving radar tests in hop cultivation (with plant heights of 7 m). Thanks to the robust system design, reliable operation
is ensured in even the harshest weather conditions or extremely dusty environments, and with a very large detection range in excess of 50 m.

Supported by

Autonomous irrigation solutions for specialty crops


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The plaza

Autonomous irrigation solutions are transforming water management in specialty crop production, which includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, and floriculture. These systems use IoT sensors, machine learning, and real-time data analytics to optimize water delivery, precisely meeting crops' diverse needs and reducing waste. Technologies such as drones, automated drip systems, and smart sprinklers adjust irrigation based on soil moisture, weather, and plant health. This session highlights the effectiveness of these technologies, their economic and environmental benefits, and challenges like high initial costs and integration with existing infrastructure. Despite obstacles, autonomous irrigation promises to enhance the sustainability and resilience of specialty crop agriculture.
Autonomy Through Standards

Wed 23

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Waite Hall - Main stage

This session will dive into how standards help to enable the in field application of autonomy. We will here from various stakeholders that are involved in the creation, interpretation, and implementation of standards discuss the value that this work provides to all stakeholders through making autonomy more functional and safe.
Addressing Automation Needs in the vine industry


11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Waite Hall - Main stage

A discussion centering on the automation requirements crucial for enhancing production efficiency within the wine industry. This session convenes wine industry professionals, stakeholders, and technology experts to delve into the specific challenges and opportunities in streamlining wine production processes. Topics of discussion will revolve around leveraging robotics and automation technologies to optimize critical production stages such as grape harvesting, cultivation, weeding.. Through collaborative dialogue, participants will identify key areas for automation implementation aimed at maximizing production output, improving quality, and driving operational efficiency in the wine industry.
Scaling Vision AI in AgTech: Unlocking Growth for Global Agricultural Leaders. By Robovision

Wed 23

11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

The Plaza

Explore how Robovision AI has empowered agtech OEMs by deploying over 1,000 AI-powered machines worldwide, automating critical agricultural and food processes like sorting, planting, pruning, and harvesting. In this session, we will delve into the key factors that have enabled our OEM clients to scale from pilot to full-scale operational success using Vision AI technology. Drawing on a decade of experience, we will share valuable insights and strategies that can help you achieve growth and operational efficiency. Join us to learn how Vision AI is transforming the future of agriculture, driving innovation, and unlocking new opportunities for sustainable growth."


Explore how Robovision AI has empowered agtech OEMs by deploying over 1,000 AI-powered machines worldwide, automating critical agricultural and food processes like sorting, planting, pruning, and harvesting.
In this session, we will delve into the key factors that have enabled our OEM clients to scale from pilot to full-scale operational success using Vision AI technology.
Drawing on a decade of experience, we will share valuable insights and strategies that can help you achieve growth and operational efficiency. Join us to learn how Vision AI is transforming the future of agriculture, driving innovation, and unlocking new opportunities for sustainable growth.\"

Supported by

Academic lightning talk/pitch session #2


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Waite hall - Main stage

#1. Towards dexterous manipulation in orchards by Joe Davidson - Oregon State University

#.2 Robotic System for Automated Proximal Hyperspectral Leaf Sensing by Mehrad Mortazavi - UC Merced

#.3 Robotic Bamboo Propagation for Accelerated Co2 Sequestration and Biomass Generation by Bryant Beeler - FiveBeeTech

#4. AI Innovations in Agriculture: From Harvesting to Precision Weed Management by Hovannes Kulhanjian - CSU Fresno


#1. Towards dexterous manipulation in orchards by Joe Davidson - Oregon State University

#.2 Robotic System for Automated Proximal Hyperspectral Leaf Sensing by Mehrad Mortazavi - UC Merced

#.3 Robotic Bamboo Propagation for Accelerated Co2 Sequestration and Biomass Generation by Bryant Beeler - FiveBeeTech

#4. AI Innovations in Agriculture: From Harvesting to Precision Weed Management by Hovannes Kulhanjian - CSU Fresno

Supported by

FIRA USA 2024 Awards Ceremony


12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

The plaza

Three categories rewarding the best robots and robot manufacturers will be announced at the FIRA USA during this ceremony.
The « Best Start-up » - investors’ choice: prize for the most promising start-up in terms of investment, awarded by the jury of FIRA USA investors (AGCO Ventures, Culterra Capital, Foodbites! By Rabobank, Farmhand Ventures, Fulcrum Capital and The Mixing Bowl) following the pitch sessions on October 22 at 3:00 pm. > The « Best FIRA USA Robot » - participants’ choice: The robots exhibiting at FIRA USA 2024 that received the most votes from participants in the dedicated voting app, awarded by World FIRA: gold, silver and bronze medals. > The “Farm Robotics Challenge” winners. Award ceremony recognizing outstanding projects for this national college level innovation challenge, organized by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources & the AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS).
  Watch the Award live!
Solix Autonomy - Crop Management Re-imagined. By Solinftec

Wed 23

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

The Plaza

The Solinftec Solix Autonomous Robot represents a groundbreaking advancement in row crop agricultural technology, merging precision scouting with targeted chemical application. Designed to operate autonomously in the field, Solix revolutionizes crop management by scouting and identifying areas of concern with pinpoint accuracy. Leveraging advanced sensors and AI, Solix delivers targeted spraying, reducing chemical use while maximizing crop health and yield. This innovative approach not only enhances efficiency but also supports sustainable farming practices, making Solix a vital tool for the future of agriculture.


The Solinftec Solix Autonomous Robot represents a groundbreaking advancement in row crop agricultural technology, merging precision scouting with targeted chemical application. Designed to operate autonomously in the field, Solix revolutionizes crop management by scouting and identifying areas of concern with pinpoint accuracy.

Leveraging advanced sensors and AI, Solix delivers targeted spraying, reducing chemical use while maximizing crop health and yield. This innovative approach not only enhances efficiency but also supports sustainable farming practices, making Solix a vital tool for the future of agriculture.

Supported by

Lunch & Learn: research projects posters presentations


12:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Ag Floral Building - Expo zone 2

Posters presentation on cutting edge advancements in Ag robotics.
  • “Generating Optimized Machine Routes At-Scale” by Verge Ag
  • “Development of fruit harvesting mechanization for the future of citriculture” by Agricef
  • “PhoenixBot: Towards an ecological weed management robotic system” by Olin College of Engineering
  • “Smart Implement” by Mach
  • “Virtual Validation Replaces Time-Consuming Field Tests in Agriculture Autonomy Developments” by Balanced Engineering
  • “Optimizing Nut Tree Mechanical Harvesters through Data-Driven Modeling” by University of California, Merced
  • “Generative Diffusion Model-Assisted Efficient Fingerprinting for In-Orchard Localization” by University of California, Merced
  • “Farmworker educational and career aspirations and the coming agtech and robotics revolution” by University of California, Merced
  • “Inclusive Innovation for Climate-Resilient Agriculture in California's Central Valley” by University of California, Merced
  • “Automated Precision Pruning System for Apple Orchards” by Washington State University
  • “ Design and field evaluation of an end effector for robotic strawberry harvesting"  by Washington State University
  • " A hybrid test environment dedicated to the development and evalutation of agricultural robot"  by INRAE


Posters presentation on cutting edge advancements in Ag robotics.

  • “Generating Optimized Machine Routes At-Scale” by Verge Ag
  • “Development of fruit harvesting mechanization for the future of citriculture” by Agricef
  • “PhoenixBot: Towards an ecological weed management robotic system” by Olin College of Engineering
  • “Smart Implement” by Mach
  • “Virtual Validation Replaces Time-Consuming Field Tests in Agriculture Autonomy Developments” by Balanced Engineering
  • “Optimizing Nut Tree Mechanical Harvesters through Data-Driven Modeling” by University of California, Merced
  • “Generative Diffusion Model-Assisted Efficient Fingerprinting for In-Orchard Localization” by University of California, Merced
  • “Farmworker educational and career aspirations and the coming agtech and robotics revolution” by University of California, Merced
  • “Inclusive Innovation for Climate-Resilient Agriculture in California\'s Central Valley” by University of California, Merced
  • “Automated Precision Pruning System for Apple Orchards” by Washington State University
  • “ Design and field evaluation of an end effector for robotic strawberry harvesting\"  by Washington State University
  • \" A hybrid test environment dedicated to the development and evalutation of agricultural robot\"  by INRAE

Supported by

ANR movie premiere

Wed 23

1:15 PM - 2:00 PM

The Plaza

ANR movie premiere

Special happenings

Vegetables: From Planting to Weeding – Robots That Maximize Your Yield Management


1:30 PM - 2:50 PM

Vegetables demo zone

A comprehensive demonstration of advanced robotic technologies revolutionizing vegetable farming. Watch as a state-of-the-art planting robot seamlessly transplants seedlings with precision, setting the stage for optimal growth. See how mechanical weeding robots effectively manage weeds while preserving soil health and reducing herbicide use. Discover the benefits of autonomous precision sprayers that apply treatments with targeted accuracy, minimizing environmental impact. Experience the power of a mapping drone that provides detailed aerial insights for better planning and resource management. This session highlights how these innovative solutions work together to enhance yield management, efficiency, and sustainability in vegetable production. Robot Demo by: Plantape, Stout, Niqo Robotics, Ecorobotix, Verdant Robotics, Naïo Technologies, Solinftec, Skysense


A comprehensive demonstration of advanced robotic technologies revolutionizing vegetable farming. Watch as a state-of-the-art planting robot seamlessly transplants seedlings with precision, setting the stage for optimal growth. See how mechanical weeding robots effectively manage weeds while preserving soil health and reducing herbicide use. Discover the benefits of autonomous precision sprayers that apply treatments with targeted accuracy, minimizing environmental impact. Experience the power of a mapping drone that provides detailed aerial insights for better planning and resource management. This session highlights how these innovative solutions work together to enhance yield management, efficiency, and sustainability in vegetable production.

Robot Demo by: Plantape, Stout, Niqo Robotics, Ecorobotix, Verdant Robotics, Naïo Technologies, Solinftec, Skysense

Supported by

Meet the Dutch! by Innovation Mission Agtech NL


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Mariaviov Hall

A Dutch delegation consisting of companies and organizations that work in the field of AgTech, precision farming and digitalization in open field cultivation will present themselves at a Meet the Dutch Pitch Session to network and develop new collaborations. The Dutch delegates: 1) offer state-of-the-art soil sensors, weather stations and precision spraying technology for precision farming 2) develop digital products with satellite-based data and AI to support water and crop management 3) make autonomous agricultural robots and vehicles to for autonomous farming. We look forward to connect with you at FIRA USA 2024!


A Dutch delegation consisting of companies and organizations that work in the field of AgTech, precision farming and digitalization in open field cultivation will present themselves at a Meet the Dutch Pitch Session to network and develop new collaborations. The Dutch delegates:

1) offer state-of-the-art soil sensors, weather stations and precision spraying technology for precision farming

2) develop digital products with satellite-based data and AI to support water and crop management

3) make autonomous agricultural robots and vehicles to for autonomous farming. We look forward to connect with you at FIRA USA 2024!

Supported by

CANCELLED: Harvesting robots for strawberries


1:30 PM - 1:40 PM

Strawberries demo zone

Tortuga F and G models for strawberry or table grape in demo. Tortuga is focusing on harvest: the biggest cost, challenge, and impact on quality for a fruit and vegetable farmer. By automating harvest, Tortuga can guarantee labor availability at a reasonable cost and a reliable quality. And, by starting with the deepest technical challenge of autonomous harvest, it’s easier to add services like data gathering, forecasting, mobility, and pest control. This means more sustainable, resilient, and efficient farming, which is exactly what farmers, supermarkets, and consumers need. Tortuga has raised $50 Million to date, with 60 team members in the Colorado HQ, and California and United Kingdom farm operations. Robot Demo by: Tortuga Ag-Tech


Tortuga F and G models for strawberry or table grape in demo.
Tortuga is focusing on harvest: the biggest cost, challenge, and impact on quality for a fruit and vegetable farmer. By automating harvest, Tortuga can guarantee labor availability at a reasonable cost and a reliable quality. And, by starting with the deepest technical challenge of autonomous harvest, it’s easier to add services like data gathering, forecasting, mobility, and pest control. This means more sustainable, resilient, and efficient farming, which is exactly what farmers, supermarkets, and consumers need. Tortuga has raised $50 Million to date, with 60 team members in the Colorado HQ, and California and United Kingdom farm operations.

Robot Demo by: Tortuga Ag-Tech

Supported by

Precision Farming Revolution: Autonomous Robots and Tractors for Optimal Field and Row Crop Management

Wed 23

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Field crops demo zone

An in-depth demonstration of cutting-edge robotic and autonomous tractor technologies transforming field and row crop farming. Experience firsthand how precision sprayers equipped with machine learning capabilities optimize chemical application, significantly reducing input costs and environmental impact. See how these advanced systems adapt in real time to varying field conditions, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. Discover the benefits of autonomous machinery in alleviating labor challenges while enhancing overall farm productivity and sustainability. This session highlights how innovative solutions are reshaping the future of crop management through smart technology and precision. Robot Demo by: Swarmfarm Robotics, Sabanto, John Deere


An in-depth demonstration of cutting-edge robotic and autonomous tractor technologies transforming field and row crop farming. Experience firsthand how precision sprayers equipped with machine learning capabilities optimize chemical application, significantly reducing input costs and environmental impact. See how these advanced systems adapt in real time to varying field conditions, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. Discover the benefits of autonomous machinery in alleviating labor challenges while enhancing overall farm productivity and sustainability. This session highlights how innovative solutions are reshaping the future of crop management through smart technology and precision.

Robot Demo by: Swarmfarm Robotics, Sabanto, John Deere

Supported by

Vegetables: From Planting to Weeding – Robots That Maximize Your Yield Management


1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Vegetables demo zone

A comprehensive demonstration of advanced robotic technologies revolutionizing vegetable farming. Watch as a state-of-the-art planting robot seamlessly transplants seedlings with precision, setting the stage for optimal growth. See how mechanical weeding robots effectively manage weeds while preserving soil health and reducing herbicide use. Discover the benefits of autonomous precision sprayers that apply treatments with targeted accuracy, minimizing environmental impact. Experience the power of a mapping drone that provides detailed aerial insights for better planning and resource management. This session highlights how these innovative solutions work together to enhance yield management, efficiency, and sustainability in vegetable production. Robot Demo by: Plantape, Stout, Farm-Ng, Niqo Robotics, Ecorobotix, Verdant Robotics, Naïo Technologies, Solinftec, Skysense


A comprehensive demonstration of advanced robotic technologies revolutionizing vegetable farming. Watch as a state-of-the-art planting robot seamlessly transplants seedlings with precision, setting the stage for optimal growth. See how mechanical weeding robots effectively manage weeds while preserving soil health and reducing herbicide use. Discover the benefits of autonomous precision sprayers that apply treatments with targeted accuracy, minimizing environmental impact. Experience the power of a mapping drone that provides detailed aerial insights for better planning and resource management. This session highlights how these innovative solutions work together to enhance yield management, efficiency, and sustainability in vegetable production.

Robot Demo by: Plantape, Stout, Farm-Ng, Niqo Robotics, Ecorobotix, Verdant Robotics, Naïo Technologies, Solinftec, Skysense

Supported by

Ag Robotics M&A: Why are OEMs in?


2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Waite Hall - Main stage

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion delving into the importance for OEMs to engage in M&A with agricultural robotics startups and key players of the industry. As agriculture increasingly adopts automation and robotics technologies, OEMs are faced with the challenge of integrating innovative solutions into their existing frameworks. Our expert panelists will explore the strategic considerations, potential synergies, and hurdles OEMs encounter when pursuing M&A with ag robotics startups and advanced technologies for ag robots. Gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of agricultural technology partnerships and the implications for future industry developments.
Inno’Pitch by Niqo Robotics

Wed 23

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

The plaza

Supported by

Fruitful Innovation: Robotic Solutions for Sustainable Management of Fruit Trees and Nut Crops

Wed 23

2:05 PM - 2:55 PM

Orchards demo zone

Discover the future of fruit and nut cultivation with our live demonstration of advanced robotic technologies. Witness how specialized robots reduce chemical inputs and enhance environmental preservation through precision treatments and targeted interventions. See automated systems in action for pruning, harvesting, and monitoring fruit trees and nut crops, which help cut costs while boosting productivity. Experience how these innovations work together to create a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing orchards and nut groves. This session showcases cutting-edge solutions designed to protect both your crops and the environment. Robot Demo by: GUSS, Bluewhite, Agtonomy, MQ Autonomous Agritech, Farm-Ng


Discover the future of fruit and nut cultivation with our live demonstration of advanced robotic technologies. Witness how specialized robots reduce chemical inputs and enhance environmental preservation through precision treatments and targeted interventions. See automated systems in action for pruning, harvesting, and monitoring fruit trees and nut crops, which help cut costs while boosting productivity. Experience how these innovations work together to create a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing orchards and nut groves. This session showcases cutting-edge solutions designed to protect both your crops and the environment.

Robot Demo by: GUSS, Bluewhite, Agtonomy, MQ Autonomous Agritech, Farm-Ng

Supported by

AgTech Evolution, Monterey Bay DART and HawkTower’s Blueprint for Rural Innovation. By Monterey Bay DART

Wed 23

2:30 PM - 2:50 PM

The Plaza

Monterey Bay DART (Drone Automation Robotics Technology) is dedicated to advancing the future of agriculture by fostering collaboration among farmers, ag tech companies, and workforce development partners. By building on our region's strengths and engaging key stakeholders, we are curating a drone, aviation, and renewables technology ecosystem centered in the Monterey Bay Area. We work with partners statewide to support private sector innovation and growth. We aim to bridge industry, government, academia, and practitioners to harness cutting-edge technologies like drones, automation, and robotics. Through a strategic partnership with HawkTower, an early-stage venture capital firm, Monterey Bay DART is paving the way for safe and secure technology integration, unlocking new business opportunities, and accelerating innovation in rural areas of California. HawkTower invests in startup companies leveraging breakthrough technologies to sustain and maximize California’s natural resources. Join us as we cultivate the future of agriculture, ensuring progress is measured and reported every step of the way.


Monterey Bay DART (Drone Automation Robotics Technology) is dedicated to advancing the future of agriculture by fostering collaboration among farmers, ag tech companies, and workforce development partners.

By building on our region\'s strengths and engaging key stakeholders, we are curating a drone, aviation, and renewables technology ecosystem centered in the Monterey Bay Area. We work with partners statewide to support private sector innovation and growth. We aim to bridge industry,
government, academia, and practitioners to harness cutting-edge technologies like drones, automation, and robotics.

Through a strategic partnership with HawkTower, an early-stage venture capital firm, Monterey Bay DART is paving the way for safe and secure technology integration, unlocking new business opportunities, and accelerating innovation in rural areas of California. HawkTower invests in
startup companies leveraging breakthrough technologies to sustain and maximize California’s natural resources.

Join us as we cultivate the future of agriculture, ensuring progress is measured and reported every step of the way.

Supported by

CANCELLED: Harvesting robots for strawberries


2:55 PM - 3:05 PM

Strawberries demo zone

Tortuga F and G models for strawberry or table grape in demo. Tortuga is focusing on harvest: the biggest cost, challenge, and impact on quality for a fruit and vegetable farmer. By automating harvest, Tortuga can guarantee labor availability at a reasonable cost and a reliable quality. And, by starting with the deepest technical challenge of autonomous harvest, it’s easier to add services like data gathering, forecasting, mobility, and pest control. This means more sustainable, resilient, and efficient farming, which is exactly what farmers, supermarkets, and consumers need. Tortuga has raised $50 Million to date, with 60 team members in the Colorado HQ, and California and United Kingdom farm operations. Robot Demo by: Tortuga Ag-Tech


Tortuga F and G models for strawberry or table grape in demo.
Tortuga is focusing on harvest: the biggest cost, challenge, and impact on quality for a fruit and vegetable farmer. By automating harvest, Tortuga can guarantee labor availability at a reasonable cost and a reliable quality. And, by starting with the deepest technical challenge of autonomous harvest, it’s easier to add services like data gathering, forecasting, mobility, and pest control. This means more sustainable, resilient, and efficient farming, which is exactly what farmers, supermarkets, and consumers need. Tortuga has raised $50 Million to date, with 60 team members in the Colorado HQ, and California and United Kingdom farm operations.

Robot Demo by: Tortuga Ag-Tech

Supported by

Innovation in the Vineyard: Live Demo of Robots for Sustainable and Autonomous Viticulture

Wed 23

3:00 PM - 3:50 PM

Vineyards demo zone

An immersive demonstration showcasing cutting-edge robotic technology transforming vineyard management. Experience firsthand how mechanical weeding robots enhance soil health and reduce chemical use, while scouting robots provide real-time insights into plant health and pest activity. Discover the efficiency of autonomous sprayers in applying precise treatments with minimal environmental impact. Witness the versatility of autonomous tractors handling various tasks, from planting to harvesting, addressing labor shortages and optimizing productivity. This live event highlights how these innovations contribute to a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient future for viticulture. Robot Demo by: Amos Power, Burro, Naïo Technologies, Agtonomy


An immersive demonstration showcasing cutting-edge robotic technology transforming vineyard management. Experience firsthand how mechanical weeding robots enhance soil health and reduce chemical use, while scouting robots provide real-time insights into plant health and pest activity. Discover the efficiency of autonomous sprayers in applying precise treatments with minimal environmental impact. Witness the versatility of autonomous tractors handling various tasks, from planting to harvesting, addressing labor shortages and optimizing productivity. This live event highlights how these innovations contribute to a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient future for viticulture.

Robot Demo by: Amos Power, Burro, Naïo Technologies, Agtonomy

Supported by

FIRA USA 2024 Start-up Pitch Session


3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Waite Hall - Main stage

Pitches of pre-selected start-ups, behind closed doors. Presentation of innovative solutions to a panel of business model to VCs, M&As and business angels. From early prototype stage to Series A funding, take part in the unique Start-Up Pitch session focused on Agricultural Robotics and Autonomous Systems for farming! List of the selected start-ups that will pitch: The pitch session will be followed by a short afterwork to exchange business cards!  
What technology will lead the way: autonomous tractors or field robots? by Future Farming

Wed 23

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

The Plaza

When looking forward, what kind of vehicle is most relevant and most suitable to perform jobs and tasks autonomously? An unmanned tractor, a multipurpose field robot or a combination of both? Dedicated or specialised field robots paved the way for autonomous field operations driven by two main aspects: weed control/management and labour availability. A different take are so-called multifunctional or multipurpose field robots. Some of these have clearly been developed to take over tasks from manned and also unmanned tractors. Modern-day tractors already have a wide array of automation. Such as autosteer/-pilot, headland control, implement and machine control et cetera. Seen from this perspective, a driverless tractor is a small step technology wise. What technology will lead the way: autonomous tractors or field robots?Join me and share your opinion.


When looking forward, what kind of vehicle is most relevant and most suitable to perform jobs and tasks autonomously? An unmanned tractor, a multipurpose field robot or a combination of both?

Dedicated or specialised field robots paved the way for autonomous field operations driven by two main aspects: weed control/management and labour availability. A different take are so-called multifunctional or multipurpose field robots. Some of these have clearly been developed to take over tasks from manned and also unmanned tractors.

Modern-day tractors already have a wide array of automation. Such as autosteer/-pilot, headland control, implement and machine control et cetera. Seen from this perspective, a driverless tractor is a small step technology wise.

What technology will lead the way: autonomous tractors or field robots?Join me and share your opinion.

Supported by

Fruitful Innovation: Robotic Solutions for Sustainable Management of Fruit Trees and Nut Crops


3:10 PM - 3:50 PM

Orchards demo zone

Discover the future of fruit and nut cultivation with our live demonstration of advanced robotic technologies. Witness how specialized robots reduce chemical inputs and enhance environmental preservation through precision treatments and targeted interventions. See automated systems in action for pruning, harvesting, and monitoring fruit trees and nut crops, which help cut costs while boosting productivity. Experience how these innovations work together to create a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing orchards and nut groves. This session showcases cutting-edge solutions designed to protect both your crops and the environment. Robot Demo by: GUSS, Bluewhite, Agtonomy


Discover the future of fruit and nut cultivation with our live demonstration of advanced robotic technologies. Witness how specialized robots reduce chemical inputs and enhance environmental preservation through precision treatments and targeted interventions. See automated systems in action for pruning, harvesting, and monitoring fruit trees and nut crops, which help cut costs while boosting productivity. Experience how these innovations work together to create a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing orchards and nut groves. This session showcases cutting-edge solutions designed to protect both your crops and the environment.

Robot Demo by: GUSS, Bluewhite, Agtonomy

Supported by

Innovation in the Vineyard: Live Demo of Robots for Sustainable and Autonomous Viticulture


3:20 PM - 4:10 PM

Vineyards demo zone

An immersive demonstration showcasing cutting-edge robotic technology transforming vineyard management. Experience firsthand how mechanical weeding robots enhance soil health and reduce chemical use, while scouting robots provide real-time insights into plant health and pest activity. Discover the efficiency of autonomous sprayers in applying precise treatments with minimal environmental impact. Witness the versatility of autonomous tractors handling various tasks, from planting to harvesting, addressing labor shortages and optimizing productivity. This live event highlights how these innovations contribute to a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient future for viticulture. Robot Demo by: Amos Power, Burro, Naïo Technologies, MQ Autonomous Agritech, Agtonomy


An immersive demonstration showcasing cutting-edge robotic technology transforming vineyard management. Experience firsthand how mechanical weeding robots enhance soil health and reduce chemical use, while scouting robots provide real-time insights into plant health and pest activity. Discover the efficiency of autonomous sprayers in applying precise treatments with minimal environmental impact. Witness the versatility of autonomous tractors handling various tasks, from planting to harvesting, addressing labor shortages and optimizing productivity. This live event highlights how these innovations contribute to a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient future for viticulture.

Robot Demo by: Amos Power, Burro, Naïo Technologies, MQ Autonomous Agritech, Agtonomy

Supported by

Inno’Pitch by Stereolab

Wed 23

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

The plaza

Supported by

Vegetables: From Planting to Weeding – Robots That Maximize Your Yield Management

Wed 23

3:55 PM - 5:15 PM

Vegetables demo zone


Supported by

Innovation in the Vineyard: Live Demo of Robots for Sustainable and Autonomous Viticulture


3:55 PM - 4:55 PM

Vineyards demo zone

An immersive demonstration showcasing cutting-edge robotic technology transforming vineyard management. Experience firsthand how mechanical weeding robots enhance soil health and reduce chemical use, while scouting robots provide real-time insights into plant health and pest activity. Discover the efficiency of autonomous sprayers in applying precise treatments with minimal environmental impact. Witness the versatility of autonomous tractors handling various tasks, from planting to harvesting, addressing labor shortages and optimizing productivity. This live event highlights how these innovations contribute to a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient future for viticulture. Robot Demo by: Amos Power, Agtonomy, Burro, Ted by Naïo Technologies, MQ Autonomous Agritech, Farm-Ng  


An immersive demonstration showcasing cutting-edge robotic technology transforming vineyard management. Experience firsthand how mechanical weeding robots enhance soil health and reduce chemical use, while scouting robots provide real-time insights into plant health and pest activity. Discover the efficiency of autonomous sprayers in applying precise treatments with minimal environmental impact. Witness the versatility of autonomous tractors handling various tasks, from planting to harvesting, addressing labor shortages and optimizing productivity. This live event highlights how these innovations contribute to a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient future for viticulture.

Robot Demo by: Amos Power, Agtonomy, Burro, Ted by Naïo Technologies, MQ Autonomous Agritech, Farm-Ng


Supported by

Harnessing Insect Instincts for Chemical-Free Crop Protection. By Beetless

Wed 23

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

The Plaza

BEETLESS is pioneering a new era in agricultural pest control by leveraging the primal instincts of insects to protect crops without the use of harmful chemicals. As an innovative start-up, we are committed to developing eco-friendly, robotized, and software-driven solutions that revolutionize how farmers safeguard their crops. Our advanced technology offers effective, non-chemical protection against invasive species, using flexible and adaptable systems that evolve with agricultural needs. Our mission is to ensure a safer environment for crops and ecosystems, promoting high agricultural productivity while eliminating the risks associated with traditional chemical pesticides. BEETLESS integrates cutting-edge robotics and intelligent software to target pests precisely, reducing collateral damage to beneficial insects and plants, and fostering a healthier, more sustainable ecosystem. With a focus on major agricultural threats like the Asian Citrus Psyllid and others, BEETLESS provides a scalable, cost-effective solution that not only protects crops but also preserves biodiversity and the health of our food systems. Join us in advancing agriculture through innovation and sustainability—because the future of farming is chemical-free. By Oleksandra Afanasieva | Co-founder - Beetless


BEETLESS is pioneering a new era in agricultural pest control by leveraging the primal instincts of insects to protect crops without the use of harmful chemicals. As an innovative start-up, we are committed to developing eco-friendly, robotized, and software-driven solutions that revolutionize how farmers safeguard their crops. Our advanced technology offers effective, non-chemical protection against invasive species, using flexible and adaptable systems that evolve with agricultural needs.

Our mission is to ensure a safer environment for crops and ecosystems, promoting high agricultural productivity while eliminating the risks associated with traditional chemical pesticides. BEETLESS integrates cutting-edge robotics and intelligent software to target pests precisely, reducing collateral damage to beneficial insects and plants, and fostering a healthier, more sustainable ecosystem.

With a focus on major agricultural threats like the Asian Citrus Psyllid and others, BEETLESS provides a scalable, cost-effective solution that not only protects crops but also preserves biodiversity and the health of our food systems. Join us in advancing agriculture through innovation and sustainability—because the future of farming is chemical-free.

By Oleksandra Afanasieva | Co-founder - Beetless

Supported by

Fruitful Innovation: Robotic Solutions for Sustainable Management of Fruit Trees and Nut Crops


4:15 PM - 4:55 PM

Orchards demo zone

Discover the future of fruit and nut cultivation with our live demonstration of advanced robotic technologies. Witness how specialized robots reduce chemical inputs and enhance environmental preservation through precision treatments and targeted interventions. See automated systems in action for pruning, harvesting, and monitoring fruit trees and nut crops, which help cut costs while boosting productivity. Experience how these innovations work together to create a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing orchards and nut groves. This session showcases cutting-edge solutions designed to protect both your crops and the environment. Robot Demo by: GUSS, Bluewhite, Agtonomy


Discover the future of fruit and nut cultivation with our live demonstration of advanced robotic technologies. Witness how specialized robots reduce chemical inputs and enhance environmental preservation through precision treatments and targeted interventions. See automated systems in action for pruning, harvesting, and monitoring fruit trees and nut crops, which help cut costs while boosting productivity. Experience how these innovations work together to create a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing orchards and nut groves. This session showcases cutting-edge solutions designed to protect both your crops and the environment.

Robot Demo by: GUSS, Bluewhite, Agtonomy

Supported by

Inno\'Pitch by Untether AI

Wed 23

4:30 PM - 4:50 PM

The Plaza

Supported by

Cultivating Pennsylvania’s Ag Tech and Robotics Ecosystem. By The Robotics Factory

Wed 23

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

The Plaza

The Agriculture & Robotics Summit was a three-day interdisciplinary event held in Pittsburgh, PA, in April 2024. Organized in partnership by the Robotics Factory and FIRA, the summit featured workshops, panel discussions, robotics site tours, and networking opportunities. It brought together professionals from the agriculture and robotics industries to address the challenges of agricultural business and operations using robotics and AI-based solutions. Discover the outcomes of the summit and the ongoing efforts led by the Robotics Factory to foster collaboration among state government, academic institutions, startups, and established businesses, aiming to develop and promote agricultural solutions for both local and international producers.
Precision Farming Revolution: Autonomous Robots and Tractors for Optimal Field and Row Crop Management


5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Field crops demo zone

An in-depth demonstration of cutting-edge robotic and autonomous tractor technologies transforming field and row crop farming. Experience firsthand how precision sprayers equipped with machine learning capabilities optimize chemical application, significantly reducing input costs and environmental impact. See how these advanced systems adapt in real time to varying field conditions, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. Discover the benefits of autonomous machinery in alleviating labor challenges while enhancing overall farm productivity and sustainability. This session highlights how innovative solutions are reshaping the future of crop management through smart technology and precision. Robot Demo by: Swarmfarm Robotics, Sabanto, John Deere


An in-depth demonstration of cutting-edge robotic and autonomous tractor technologies transforming field and row crop farming. Experience firsthand how precision sprayers equipped with machine learning capabilities optimize chemical application, significantly reducing input costs and environmental impact. See how these advanced systems adapt in real time to varying field conditions, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. Discover the benefits of autonomous machinery in alleviating labor challenges while enhancing overall farm productivity and sustainability. This session highlights how innovative solutions are reshaping the future of crop management through smart technology and precision.

Robot Demo by: Swarmfarm Robotics, Sabanto, John Deere

Supported by

Precision Farming Revolution: Autonomous Robots and Tractors for Optimal Field and Row Crop Management


5:00 PM - 5:20 PM

Field crops demo zone

An in-depth demonstration of cutting-edge robotic and autonomous tractor technologies transforming field and row crop farming. Experience firsthand how precision sprayers equipped with machine learning capabilities optimize chemical application, significantly reducing input costs and environmental impact. See how these advanced systems adapt in real time to varying field conditions, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. Discover the benefits of autonomous machinery in alleviating labor challenges while enhancing overall farm productivity and sustainability. This session highlights how innovative solutions are reshaping the future of crop management through smart technology and precision. Robot Demo by: Swarmfarm Robotics, Sabanto, John Deere


An in-depth demonstration of cutting-edge robotic and autonomous tractor technologies transforming field and row crop farming. Experience firsthand how precision sprayers equipped with machine learning capabilities optimize chemical application, significantly reducing input costs and environmental impact. See how these advanced systems adapt in real time to varying field conditions, ensuring accurate and efficient treatment. Discover the benefits of autonomous machinery in alleviating labor challenges while enhancing overall farm productivity and sustainability. This session highlights how innovative solutions are reshaping the future of crop management through smart technology and precision.

Robot Demo by: Swarmfarm Robotics, Sabanto, John Deere

Supported by

CANCELLED: Harvesting robots for strawberries

Wed 23

5:20 PM - 5:30 PM

Straberries Demo Zone

Tortuga F and G models for strawberry or table grape in demo. Tortuga is focusing on harvest: the biggest cost, challenge, and impact on quality for a fruit and vegetable farmer. By automating harvest, Tortuga can guarantee labor availability at a reasonable cost and a reliable quality. And, by starting with the deepest technical challenge of autonomous harvest, it’s easier to add services like data gathering, forecasting, mobility, and pest control. This means more sustainable, resilient, and efficient farming, which is exactly what farmers, supermarkets, and consumers need. Tortuga has raised $50 Million to date, with 60 team members in the Colorado HQ, and California and United Kingdom farm operations. Robot Demo by: Tortuga Ag-Tech


Tortuga F and G models for strawberry or table grape in demo.
Tortuga is focusing on harvest: the biggest cost, challenge, and impact on quality for a fruit and vegetable farmer. By automating harvest, Tortuga can guarantee labor availability at a reasonable cost and a reliable quality. And, by starting with the deepest technical challenge of autonomous harvest, it’s easier to add services like data gathering, forecasting, mobility, and pest control. This means more sustainable, resilient, and efficient farming, which is exactly what farmers, supermarkets, and consumers need. Tortuga has raised $50 Million to date, with 60 team members in the Colorado HQ, and California and United Kingdom farm operations.

Robot Demo by: Tortuga Ag-Tech

Supported by

Taylor Farms Afterwork

Wed 23

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Main Expo Bldg. - Expo zone 1

Taylor Farms Afterwork

Special happenings

Supported by

Advanced.Farm Afterwork & demos


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Advanced.Farm Afterwork & demos

Special happenings

Under invitation only


Under invitation only

Supported by

Register Now
Registration closed
Registration closed

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