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Misset is the leading publisher of international titles for sectors such as arable farming, dairy farming…

COUNTRY: Netherlands

Future Farming magazine website; your go-to source for precision farming and autonomous ag robots. Stay updated with daily news and technological developments, and check out the world’s most complete field robots buying guide. Join our mission to support sustainable crop growing practices worldwide.

In the new 2023 buying guide the robots for crops grown outdoors are classified into three categories; multipurpose, specialized and harvest. In this second edition of the buying guide, many specifications have also been added in clear tables for each robot. A message for suppliers and manufacturers of robots Do you have a new field robot that is ready for the market? Please let us know and we will immediately include your robot in our online catalogues. You can also notify us of changes to specifications or prices in the robots already mentioned in the catalogue. Please contact us at futurefarming@misset.com