This session is providing information about the needs of the tree fruit industry, the key challenges and feedback from growers. As an example, to streamline activities and drive progress, we will dive deep into the apple technology roadmap for the tree fruit industry, developed through strong engagement of stakeholders across industry. In the roadmap we uncovered specific barriers to technology adoption, while defining targeted research, development, and extension activities for the next two years.
We will discuss our strategies, failures, plans and hopes by focusing on high priority areas selected across different timelines to impact: Crop Load Management (mid-term), and Harvest Labor (long-term). We will also talk about Commission funding, collaboration of industry, and automation ready. Panelists will share stories on how we are automation ready and give examples with real “vendors” who are working in this space with us. We also bring light to the need for funding and investment and its role in getting products across finish line no matter how “close” we may appear.
This session will showcase our vision on how aligning focus and action in the next two years will move the needle for growers by doing the groundwork today to tackle mid- (3-5 year) and long-term (5-10 year) priorities. We invite attendees to join us on this exciting journey.
Thu. 24 October
10:00 am - 10:45 am
Round Tables
Waite Hall - Main stage
Drew Ketelsen
Vice President HMC Farms
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Joe Davidson
Associate Professor, Robotics & Mechanical Engineering Oregon State University
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Charlie Wu
CEO & Founder Orchard Robotics
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Keith Veselka
CEO/Orchard Operations Manager NWFM LLC
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Ines Hanrahan
Executive Director WA Tree Fruit Research Commission
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